Young Critics Book Club Request

**Please note that this will be easier to fill out on a computer vs. a phone. You'll need to open up an additional document to see the book list. Thank you. 

Sammy is excited to bring you a different kind of book club! 

1. Fill out this form to request a book! You get to keep the book you request! 
2. Read the book! 
3. Fill out the review form. Either the paper copy, sent with the book, or the online version, linked on the website. 
4. If interested, we'll meet on Zoom, about once a month, to talk about the books we read.

Any questions? Email Sammy at snieman [at]

Pick Your Book!

Please click here to view the list of books you can choose from. 

If you are having trouble deciding you can now come into the library and pick one of these books off the shelf in person, just make sure to ask for Ms. Sammy. 

**For most books there is only one copy, so books will be removed as they become unavailable. 

Virtual Meet Up

Sammy is hosting a virtual meeting on Zoom. Please let her know if you are interested! It would be held once a month on Zoom. This will be a space for 3rd-5th graders to meet and talk about the books that they have read. It can be the book that they got from Sammy or other books they're reading.

If you are "Zoomed out" or are not comfortable participating, that's okay, this is not required to participate. 

If you are interested, Sammy will send the Zoom link the day before each meeting at the email address you provided above. 

Interest in Participating


Ms. Sammy will email you within 3 days of submitting a request. If she does not email you by then, please feel free to email her! After you've received an email from Ms. Sammy your book will be ready to pickup at the Children's Desk, so please come visit us there!