Sun Prairie Public Library is now FINE FREE!
In July 2020, the library removed all fines on all items checked out in Sun Prairie.
What about old fines? We did not clear out any old fines, so please ask if you'd like a fine forgiven. We are able to forgive most overdue fines.
No overdues, either? Because we still have due dates, items will still become overdue if they are not returned by the due dates. You just won't get daily overdue fines.
What about fees? Fees are handled differently. You will still be charged for items if they are damaged or lost.
When does an item become "lost"? Either when you tell us you lost it or when it has been overdue for 29 days. At 29 days, if an item has not been renewed or returned, it automatically becomes lost and you are charged the replacement cost. Please return or renew overdue items before they become lost. If you have questions about lost items, please contact us.
How can I pay lost or damaged fees? Please pay for lost or damaged items by logging into your account in LINKcat and using a credit or debit card. We are able to reduce lost or damaged item fees on a case-by-case basis, so please contact us if you have questions.
Can I just buy a replacement copy on Amazon? Please do not do this. We very rarely accept replacement copies purchased through retailers and do not accept used material to replace library material. Our policy is to purchase a replacement copy from a library-approved vendor.