What is a Strategic Plan?
The Strategic Plan will assist the library staff and trustees to develop an action plan and prioritize library projects for the coming three years. Keeping in mind unexpected trends and changes in the profession, the plan will be drafted to allow the library flexibility to adapt its offerings to best meet its goals.
Community conditions are also subject to change and, as Sun Prairie grows and evolves, the library’s activities are expected to adjust in order to respond to those shifts. Despite anticipated changes, the Sun Prairie Public Library will maintain its organizational mission, which guides the Strategic Plan. The 2017-2022 Strategic Plan can be found here.
This is a three year plan for 2023-2025 and the library is working with ReThinking Libraries, a library consulting firm. A key component to the strategic planning process is community input through surveys and listening sessions. The end result will be a plan for the Sun Prairie Public Library that will clearly identify the needs and aspirations of the community with both quantitative and qualitative data. We value your input and look forward to your participation!
The survey
Please help us by taking this 10-15 minute survey. Let us know how you feel about the library's current and potential services. This feedback will be used to help us develop the strategic plan.
Survey is available in English y tambien en Espanol!
La Encuestra
Ayúdenospor favor respondiendo esta encuesta de 10 a 15 minutos. Usaremos sus comentarios para ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestro plan estratégico para guiar a la Biblioteca durante los próximos 3 años.
Attend a Community Listening Session
We will be hosting three general Community Listening Sessions during the month of September at the library. To register to attend, please click the links below.
Monday, September 26th from 6-7 pm, Library Community Room
Wednesday, September 28th from 9:30-10:30 am, Library Community Room
Thursday, September 29th from 6-7pm via ZOOM (Virtual Meeting)
If you are unable to attend a general session, you are welcome to register to attend one of the sessions below:
Monday, September 26th from 8-9am, Library Community Room (Community & Business Leaders)
Tuesday, September 27th from 6-7pm, Library Community Room (Educators & Caregivers)
Thursday, September 29th from 8-9am, Library Community Room (Library Volunteers)
If you have any questions on the Strategic Planning process, please contact Svetha Hetzler, Library Director at 825-0900 or by email at shetzler [at] sunlib.org (shetzler[at]sunlib[dot]org).